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“With music, one’s whole future life is brightened. This is such a treasure in life that it helps us over many troubles and difficulties. Music is nourishment, a comforting elixir. Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life.”  – Zoltan Kodaly

The Flute Studio

The WCU Flute Studio consists of all types of music majors and minors such as Music Education, Music Performance, Commercial Music and Audio Production (CMAP), Music Industry, and many others. We play and perform music from all genres, time periods, and perform a recital or jury each semester. Every week, we have a studio class and we discuss practice methods, different types of music, flute maintenance and repair, flute history, performer history, along with many other topics.

The studio is under the instruction of Dr. Kelariz Keshavarz. Our studio members participate in small ensembles such as: Trios, Quartets, Wind Quintets, Flute Ensemble, and large ensembles; Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and our reputable Pride of the Mountains Marching Band. 

For more information on: 

Large Ensembles:

Music Majors and Requirements:

Dr. Kelariz Keshavarz:



Our Purpose

The Flute Society at Western Carolina University exists for the purpose of promoting flute education, performance, and the musical awareness in the Western Carolina region. This society is primarily organized by WCU students to serve faculty, staff, and students.



Meet Our Officers!

The Flute Society Officers are current WCU flute students who are vital in making the society run smoothly. Learn more about the officers and society here! 

Pictured below is alumna Performance major, Lauren Kochy, performing a semi-annual recital. 

Meet Our Officers!

The Flute Society at WCU takes pride in our student leadership. We have five officer positions that help our program run smoothly. 

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